. hokgstudio .
Hello, my name is Arief Hadinata, you can call me Hokg. I am Mural Artist and Illustrator from Central Java, Indonesia.
Welcome to my world

art projects
Plasma Creative Market ft. Kolektif Hysteria
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Plasma Creative Market is a pioneering platform selling artifacts of art, merch, souvenirs and creative products that can be mobile.
Ekspedisi Peduli ft. Pondok Pitamin Art Community
Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat
A nomadic program based on outdoor activities in order to share knowledge and happiness that was initiated jointly by the North Lombok…
Wakatoys ft. Cantika Wakatobi Crafter
Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara
The development of the potential of developed wooden crafts is focused on the development of works in the form of cubits (kraft).
Hello, I am Mural Artist, Graphic Designer, and Researcher from Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. I started working in illustration since 2006 and trying to enjoy making a Mural and design in 2008. I am an Expert on Visual Arts and all Illustration for Mural or product design. I make it by manual or digital painting. Until now, I am still active in making some art projects from cross-discipline, collaborative art, workshop, exhibition, and other good arts.